March 15, 2024

A New YouTube Channel for me

 Stumbled across a YouTube video that truly suited my tastes in Nature, DIY and decor pursuits.  Brandy at Making It My Own DIYs truly struck a chord with me when I watched her create beautiful SUNcatchers.  You can see the video here .  This is not the only Natural-typical creative video this channel has to offer, but overall I found her topics and presentations very pleasing and easy to follow!  

Spring is the ideal time to enjoy the lengthening daylight hours, so suncatchers are right in time with the season.  At the moment, all of my crafting supplies are packed away for our pending move, so I have nothing to use for follow through in creating my own similar designs.  But that will be for the future. . .

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I've been a Crafter for as long as I can remember. For more details, see my complete profile

Craft and Art

 During the past 6 or 7 months, we have been waiting for our new home to be ready for us to move into, there has been some time for reflecti...